Holy Assumption was founded by several families of Slavic descent and was originally the “Russian” Church in Canton. Today, a few of our founding families still worship amongst a diverse community from various backgrounds, most of whom are adult converts to Orthodoxy coming from Canton and many surrounding areas.
Parish Timeline:
Holy Assumption had its Articles of Incorporation signed on September 8th, 1957.
The First Divine Liturgy of the Parish was held at a storefront on Edwards Ave, April 8, 1958.
The Land at 2027 18th St was blessed on August 10, 1958 and the First Liturgy in our Church was the Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Dec. 6, 1959.
The Church was officially Consecrated by Archbishop John of Chicago on Sept. 18, 1960.
The Hall was dedicated on July 14, 1966
The Church celebrated its Mortgage Burning on September 28th, 1975.
Holy Assumption Orthodox Church has been served by many Priests in its history,
V. Rev. Andrew Vanyush 1st Resident Pastor, 1958-1959.
Rev. Nicholas Gobora, First Pastor in Permanent Church, 1959-1961.
Rev. George Alexi (temporary assignment), 1961-1962,
Rev. Paul Pascavage, 1962-1963
Rev. John Voytilla, 1963-1967
Rev. Vance Hurley, 1967-1969 (fell asleep in the Lord)
Rev. Basil Slimak, 1969-1985,
Rev. David Tillman, 1985-2001
Rev. John Peck 2002-2005
Rev. Gregory Jenson 2006-2008
Rev. Stacey Richter 2009-2017
Rev. John Kennerk 2017-2023
Rev. Aaron Rutz 2023-present
We are currently in the process of interviewing some of our senior members in order to present a rich, first hand account of this Parish and its story.

Holy Assumption Orthodox Church
2027 18th St. NE
Canton, OH 44705